Trasformate la tazza dei vostri sogni in realtà

Are you a mad mug collector? Or a fan of ceramics? Maybe both? Always had a dream mug in mind but found it nowhere around in the stores or art fairs? Then it’s time to make that perfect mug a reality with your own hands at our Dream mug workshop!
laboratorio di tazze da sogno
Dream mug- What is this all about?

The Dream mug workshop a 2-hour pottery workshop where your ceramics-dreams come to life. It’s a perfect fit if you:

  • have a vision of the coolest mug on Earth
  • always wanted to try painting and making ceramics
  • are looking for a beginner-friendly workshop
  • want to relax and have fun at the same time
  • want to spend quality time with your loved ones
  • you are looking for an activity that is also ideal for children

Remember, there’s no such thing as a too-crazy idea! You’re absolutely welcome to unwrap your most boheme, elegant or minimalistic visions. Organic or square, cat, dog or elephant-shaped, with or without handle… everything goes!

Before you hit LOKI, we suggest drawing small sketches in your notebook, using colourful markers and pencils. Free your creative mind! Think of funky shapes, patterns and colours! By doing this little prep work, you can maximize your creating time at the workshop later on. 😉✨

What’s next? How does it work?

Now let’s see what to expect! First of all, let’s paint a picture! Imagine, you just entered LOKI – a few minutes before the workshop – so there’s still some time to adsorb the vibe and environment. The refreshing smell of our wooden furniture and pleasant music in the background will set your mood immediately. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, and take a look around the studio!

Once everyone arrives, the workshop starts. At this 2-hour session, our teacher will provide you with some basic instructions and then hand you a piece of clay. If you have sketches, now you can show them and ask for special advice.

You’ll use the coil building technique. Although this technique is beginner-friendly, please don’t hesitate to ask for guidance if you feel stuck in the workflow. We are happy to help you! 

Make your mug as special as you wish. Decorate it with:
  • personal messages
  • names
  • patterns
  • figures
  • applied pieces
  • tool impressions and carved surfaces

You can use our wide range collection of colourful underglazes or different carving tools to do so.

Leave us the finishing touches!

To make sure your mug turns out as perfect as in your dreams, let us professionally finish your piece. Our staff will fire your mugs in the kiln and apply a clear glaze that will make your mug dishwasher-safe and food-safe. In about a month, you can come to collect your beautiful mug at the studio. 

What’s next?

If this workshop has sparked your interest, check out our list of available dates and reserve your spot at the Dream mug workshop today.

See the upcoming dates at our studio in Zurich by clicking the button below, and don’t forget to leave a comment if you found this article helpful! 🤍

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